Type of Case  Filing fee  Related Policies
Complaint $100 Payable by party filing complaint.
Declaratory Rulings $0 none
Elections-Annual Recertification 1-100 eligible voters=$200
101-250 eligible voters=$350
251-500 eligible voters=$500
501-1000 eligible voters=$750
1001-3000 eligible voters=$1,500
3001 or more eligible voters=$2,000
Payable by Labor Organization filing Request for Annual Recertification Election.  Fee is dependent on the number of eligible voters in the bargaining unit.
or Unit Clarifications
 $0 none
Fact-Finding $800 By law, filing fee is to be split evenly between the parties. Case materials must be accompanied by $400. Upon receipt of filing, the Commission will invoice the other party $400 for their share of the filing fee. Filing fees must be paid by both parties even if a case is settled.
Grievance Arbitration $800 By law, filing fee is to be split evenly between the parties. Case materials must be accompanied by $400. Upon receipt of filing, the Commission will invoice the other party $400 for their share of the filing fee. Filing fees must be paid by both parties even if a case is settled. A separate fee is required for each unrelated event or occurrence for which arbitration is requested.

This fee applies to disputes previously the subject of a grievance mediation case for which a filing fee was paid. However, there is no separate fee for mediation services provided by the arbitrator in the course of processing the request for grievance arbitration services.

Grievance Arbitration-Request for panel of grievance arbitrators not employed by WERC $0 none
Impartial Hearing Officer $800 The filing fee of $800 is to be paid consistent with the employer’s grievance procedure.
Interest Arbitration $800 By law, filing fee is to be split evenly between the parties. Case materials must be accompanied by $400. Upon receipt of filing, the Commission will invoice the other party $400 for their share of the filing fee. Filing fees must be paid by both parties even if a case is settled.

No fee applies if the dispute was previously the subject of a mediation case for which a filing fee was paid.

Mediation $800 By law, filing fee is to be split evenly between the parties. Case materials must be accompanied by $400. Upon receipt of filing, the Commission will invoice the other party $400 for their share of the filing fee. Filing fees must be paid by both parties even if a case is settled.