General Employee (INT/ARB) Awards Issues Table Police-Fire (MIA) Awards Issues TableTables of interest awards including the issues arbitrated and the competing wage offers, if any, involved, are available in separate tables of general employee (INT/ARB) awards and of police-fire (MIA) awards. The tables, which are posted in PDF format, list arbitrator, award identification and issuance date information for both consent and nonconsent Wisconsin interest awards issued in and after 1972 (MIA) and 1978 (INT/ARB). Issues involved are listed for awards issued in and after 1972 (MIA) and 2000 (INT/ARB). Competing wage offers, if any, are listed for awards issued in and after 2000 (MIA) and 1999 (INT/ARB). The text of nonconsent interest awards can be found by use of linked lists or interest award search functions available elsewhere on the website. |